Welcome back PA if you have not heard yet our staff writer Chris Rider and his girlfriend Wendy and David his son, suffered a tragic house fire on October 8th. The most important thing is Chris and Wendy are both safe, however they lost both of their beloved dogs Guinness and Porter in the fire along with all of their belongings. Belongings can be replaced but for those that know Chris his dogs were a giant portion of his life. One meeting with “The Boys” and you knew why. They were great dogs and will be missed by not only Chris and Wendy but all his family and friends that knew them. The support of the local and music community has been nothing short of amazing. Chris is always one to volunteer for others through the local fire company and also out covering shows in his free time, snapping photos and making everyone look like a rockstar. They are both very grateful for the support and have been dealing with the loss one step at a time. They are currently staying at a temporary rental provided by The Barn at River Run and are trying to figure out the next steps. Chris would like to let everyone know they are Ok and dealing with this the best they can “We’re blown away by the incredible amount of love, support and generosity that has been shown to us through this horrible event. Thank you all so very much.. and I can’t wait to be out covering each and everyone of you on stage again soon!” Chris Rider.
There is a Gofundme to donate at, linked at the end of this article, and also two benefits you can attend to show support for Chris and Wendy. The first benefit is Friday November 1st at HMAC. Featuring a star studded line up the likes never to be seen again. “The Martini Brothers” , “Groove Rebels”, “Shea Quinn Band”, “Gillian Smith” and “The Suicide Puppets”. Doors open at 6pm with a $20 donation. Tickets at tickets.harrisburgarts.com
The second benefit is Sunday November 17th at Lovedrafts Mechanicsburg with an all age show. Another crazy lineup that you will just never see anywhere else featuring “Cass and The Bailout Crew”, “Suicide Puppets”, “Coal”, “Hot and Dangerous”, “Lyndhurst Band” and “Brendon Star Music”. Doors open at 2pm once again with a $20 donation. The support shown from all the bands in the area was overwhelming. We could have done benefits for next 6 months with the amount of bands that wanted to play these event. Please get out and support both these events as Chris and Wendy have a long road ahead. They did have insurance but as we all know that can take awhile and when I say they lost everything I mean it. There was nothing left, all of Chris’s camera and computer equipment is a complete loss, along with his hard drives containing years and years of photography work. I hope I never understand the feeling because I just can’t imagine what they are going through.
With all that, things will look a little different in the paper this month and maybe the next few. Once again we are lucky to have a great community and after talking if over with Chris we asked Darlene Hassinger to fill in for him while he regains his step. She instantly said yes cause she is amazing. Darlene has been supporting the local scene for years and also runs the Central PA Bands facebook group where bands can share show updates and connect with other like minded rockers. Be sure to read her article this month with her coverage of Another World Music Festival and check her out at facebook.com/Bandphotography.LIVE
Well one more important thing to mention.. We turned 42!! that’s right the PA Musician Magazine has now been around for 42 years! Way to Go Robin Noll! 42 years supporting local music and she has been a part of every issue. thank you Rachel Rocks because she just does, I couldn’t do it without you, even though you do want to move to Florida, PA IS NOT READY YET. There has been so many people who have helped us along the way and who still do, that we could never name them all. To all our advertisers past and present thank you. To all our volunteers who have helped us or who still do Thank You! To our writers who have spent years supporting the paper Thank YOU! To our readers who without we would be just talking to ourselves. THANK YOU! See you all next month and hopefully some Jolly Holly Happy Good Old Times. Questions? Comments? Want to advertise? email joshnoll@pamusician.net call 717-636-4203
Gofundme.com Help Chris Rider & Wendy Ellenberger rebuild after fire