Hello and welcome back! It’s a big month for me as June marks 5 years since I decided to keep Dad’s dream alive. It really feels more like 5 mins ago, that I was sitting in this same chair worrying about how I could step in and “keep the ship afloat”, as Dad would say. It seemed like an impossible task for a guy who grew up hammering nails and screwing loose boards for a living. “The internet has taken over and print is dead!” I was told one night at a party years before Mother made the decision to retire the paper. Maybe that’s why I took it over, just to prove some drunk guy wrong. But mainly for Dad, whose legacy must live on! If not in life, then in the printed pages of the PA Musician Magazine. I don’t know how many times in the last 5 years someone has said “Hey I’m in an old issue of that paper, I have the issue at home.” Or “My band was on the cover once.” That’s why I do what I do. Also, it’s a great job! Way better then hammering nails! I’m now hammering keys on the computer!
I couldn’t have done it without all the help I get each month from my amazing team. Even though Mom wanted to retire, she still helps out with making sure we get to press each month. She still does her own paper, The Shopper’s Remedy, so we help each other keep on schedule. I could not do it without her.. PERIOD.. Also Rachel Noll aka Rachel Rocks (some people still don’t know she is my sister haha). She is the FACE of PA Musician Magazine. She wanted to retire the “Rocks” part of Rachel but I felt it wasn’t her time. I’m thrilled to see how she has grown in the past 5 years and now has a “real job” in the music industry and still somehow manages to help me with the paper. Good thing she likes to be so busy! When they both do really decide to “retire” I may be in serious trouble, might need to find a new hammer.
Also big THANK YOUS to Jim Price, Eric Hoffman and Chris Rider. People don’t realize that our writers are volunteers. When they go to see your show it’s because they want to, not because I made them. They somehow hit the deadlines each month on top of keeping up with their day jobs and life duties. It takes a true passion for the local music scene to take on this task. Thank you guys for being the most dependable bunch of Rocker ‘N’ Rollers I know!
Also to the delivery team who helps me distribute all the papers each month. Too many to list really, some of the main ones being Rachel Rocks, Sterling Koch, Keith Hummel, Some guy named “SPACE”! and the army of supporters Jim Price has helping him reach the far North. The support we get from the local music community is amazing. I love you all! If you ever need a ride or help with a flat give me a ring!
Lastly, the main reason I am still here typing, is all of our faithful advertisers who support the paper. We have some advertisers who have been in the paper since day one and some since they opened shop 41 years ago. It’s amazing to me how many supporters we have. New and old, without each of you the paper wouldn’t be here. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Wowza, so for the 5 year reunion, and due to the overwhelming support of the local music community! We are now up 8 pages from 24 to 32. So the paper is a little thicker and we can now have some bigger pics along with highlighting some other local music journalist along the way. Another scary step but if interest keeps up so will the pages.
The next big thing is we our launching a new updated website! Sorry to everyone if the old one isn’t working or is outdated. We decided to focus on the new site vs fixing whatever technical issue we are having with the old site (I’m no internet genius and they told me this couldn’t be fixed with a hammer). Keep your eyes peeled to our facebook for updates on the new website.
So what did I do to prepare for this issue? I went and rocked out with Harrisburg legends The Martini Bros! It’s always a good time when Deuce and boys take to the stage. Some of my earliest Rock and Roll memories are of Reggie banging on the drums back in the Inciters days. Always a good show and this time was out under the stars in the hills of Perry County at the Free Spirit Campground Music Fest. Check out the ad in this issue for the next event at Free Spirit. July 21-23rd for the Earth Festival. They have a full list of bands and its shaping up to be another amazing weekend of music.
Well that’s it for this month hopefully saved enough room for a pic or two. If you want to join in on the fun and become one of our faithful supporters, so I can appreciate you like I should. Then email me! joshnoll@pamusician.net call me 717-636-4203 or text. this line must be working. I dare you to try it! Deadline for the July 2023 issue is Friday, June 23rd.