If you are looking for hard-core rock, don’t lean on Kix. But, if you possess the overpowering urge for pure rock ‘n roll then, you’ll be safe giving your soul to Kix.
Hailing from the Hagerstown area, Klx has gone through many names and transitions before introducing Central Pennsylvania to the sound of “The Itch.”
Following time spent on the road promoting their first album release on Atlantic Records, Kix played to a sold out crowd at Harrisburg’s Metron in December of 1981. The spokes started turning as the band went on to perform consistently before packed crowds. Their Itinerary Included the Spring Fling in Shippensburg, which brought 12 to 14 thousand people. Kix is undoubtedly known throughout the Keystone state, some of their stops have been Sunbury, Gettysburg, York, Lewistown, and Lancaster, and is beginning to spread into western and northeastern Pennsylvania aswell as into New York state.
Kix professes that most of their acclaimed success in these areas stems from the determined local management and promotion of John Harris. They attribute much of the band’s acceptance to Harrisburg’s rock station, WTPA-FM104. To this particular station Kix extends a grand thanks.
As the leader of the pack on stage, lead vocalist Steve Whiteman equates his music to the rock ‘n roll that will be In two decades. His energy continues to heighten as he exerts more because he says he loves what he’s doing and he’ll “never get sick of It.”
Steve hands the glory flag to bassist/songwriter Donnie Pernell. Donnie generates the good feeling of the band in what he puts down on paper. Other musicians who add to the credits of Klx are: Jimmy
“Chocolate” Chalfant behind the drums and vocals and Brian Forsythe, the original guitarist has been joined by Brad Olvens, who began playing with the band this past summer. No band can be without muscle strength; the guys that lug equipment and keep the stage presence In tact are: Joe Procopio on sound, Brian Forsythe’s brother John doing the lights and Dave Thoms is responsible for the stage.
What makes this crew of musicians hot? According to Donnie Pernell, it’s the time spent “fiddlin’ around” and practicing In Jimmy Chocolate’s basement. Dispelling monotony is the band’s claim to fame and to keep their rock fresh they have developed a new twist by swaying from the chaotic sound of “Atomic Bombs” to a love song entitled “For Shame.”
None of today’s music categories are nestled within the notes or lyrics of Kix, it’s just rock ‘n roll. Their ultimate is not to imitate nor impersonate, but to feel the reward of the audiences with each performance. It’s plain and simple; their creativity surfaces as they relate to those watching and listening.
As for the future of the band that is surely a rock ‘n roll phenomenon in Central PA, Kix is searching time’s crystal ball of larger audiences.
Meanwhile, Klx continues to generate their rock ‘n roll force throughout Central Pennsylvania; and, remembers the support they received in their infant stages. Like the night when close to 1400 swamped Harrisburg’s Forum Theatre to catch the band that is climbing the ladder of rock ‘n roll. Kix gave the concert for those that may have· missed them when they opened with Ted Nugent and Krokus on City Island. The loyal fans at the Forum October 16 were serenaded with 90 minutes of full course rock, including two encores. Their concert repertoire included all of the cuts on the first album and much of the material that is being considered for the second release. The highlight of the evening was Steve Whiteman being hydraulically lifted on a genie tower 40 feet above the stage during their new acoustic song, “For Shame”.
When you get a chance to catch Kix, don’t pass It up. This band Is going to be rockin’ for a long time to come and they’ll be p rogressing-progress with them.