By Josh Noll
‘Twas the month before Christmas and all over the state, people were in a hurry, to make that big date. While rushing around town, be sure to stop in to all of your local supporters of the scene you have found. Run over to Carlisle and swing into Woodshed guitars. Say hi to Chris Dellaporta and see what treasures he has found, ‘cause you may just find something for that particular sound. If the treasure you seek is not in this place, then just bop over to see Ed Nezbit at the old Noteworthy Guitars place. Get some strings, check out the axes, you never know what’s hanging on all these racks, that is. If you’re looking for vintage, Player’s Exchange has you covered. Scott’s always looking for the finest of what he can discover. If your sleigh takes you away just a little further south, then head over to see Jerry on George Street in York, he is no slouch. So much stuff hanging on the walls, packed in the corners, just waiting for your sleigh to roll up and make a purchase. Heading further east, you will find what you seek, over in Mt Joy at Guitars on Main with Robert Putt and his beast. Say hi to his puppy and have him put on a demo, he has such fine wares you will need to be mellow. Head off into the country, just a little down the road, you will find Creter Guitar Shop in Jonestown with all the things of dreams you have come to know. If you’re looking for fancy pickups such as Duncan, Dimarzio, custom colors galore, then Mike’s Music in Harrisburg has you covered from the walls to the floor. For a Northern expedition, looking for something just right, stop in to School House Music and see what it’s about for the night. Then fly down east to Guitar Villa, get a custom built acoustic, trade in the old axe, and on the way home pick up a wreath and some egg nog, maybe some snacks. Lots of treasures hidden right on your way, remember to stop and see what they say. You will get better service, gain some knowledge and you might end up with new friends and acquaintances . Christmas is the time and the reason for the season, you will find what you need, with just a little seeking.
Well that is interesting; my computer just switched to green and red text. Too much Christmas I guess. That or it’s just getting tired. This month in live music we have some great shows and benefits happening. To start off the month, we have two SPACE-FESTS. Yes, two! One on the 1st at the Tourist Inn and the follow up on the 8th at the River City Blues Club. Come out and support Eric (SPACE) Dengler. He has fought a hard battle and needs some support from the music community. The Chrome Hearts are heading south this month to get some more exposure. They will be at the Park Inn/Blarney’s on the 7th and then down at The Burning Bridge Tavern on the 28th. I was really surprised by the new Cd they put out. They have a great country/rock/Supersuckers sound and I can’t wait to get a chance to check them out live. Club XL is having another action packed month. The River, 97.3 Toys for Tots is Saturday, December 1st with a line up you can’t miss; The Famous, The Jellybricks, Time Bomb, The Martini’s, and a Syn ‘D’ Cats Reunion! The 13th is The 2nd Annual Horton’s Hayride with you guessed it, Rev. Horton Heat. On the 22nd it’s Back In Black with Lead Foot and a special debut by OUTTA The Cellar, a new RATT tribute Band at Club XL. Down at The Racehorse Tavern we have Steel on the 7th and Wind Up Toy (Alice Cooper Tribute) on the 21st which looks to be something new and entertaining. At the end of the month, a local favorite, The Blues Vultures will return on the 29th. So much to see and do this month, enjoy it all. We at the PA Musician Magazine wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Remember to spread Christmas cheer for all to hear. The gift of music is one that should never be forgotten.