By: Josh Noll
Welcome to another issue of the PA Musician Magazine! Spring has sprung out of it’s little box and we will soon be covered in pollen and wondering what happened to winter. It’s been a busy month and the music scene in central PA is gaining some serious speed.
We have some more new advertisers this month, although neither are new to the local music scene. The Sherman’s Creek Inn and The Underground LIVE! Troy at the Shermans Creek Inn has been supplying local live music for years now. Along with the Shermansdale location, they have also partnered with Appalachian Harley Davidson, with The Roadhouse pavilion, down on the Carlisle Pike. I have been to the “Creek” many times but if you haven’t been there since Troy has redone the place do yourself a favor and check it out. There is no cover charge at the creek for bands and the food and drink prices are some of the best around. I have never left “the Creek” with an empty stomach or wallet and they always have great live music. If you’re looking for someplace new to go on a spring drive, head over to the Shermans Creek Inn This month they have Emily’s Toybox, Screaming Daisey’s, Fell From Zero, Shine Through the Shade and many many more. Along with the music they also have country line dancing and a bunch of other special events. There is always something to do at the Shade and with spring hitting hard you can hang outside in the tent area or head over to the pavilion on the pike. Check out the full schedule in this issue for the full scope.
The Underground LIVE! I know you think I have heard of that place. Yes you have, it’s been around for years. formerly known as Gullifty’s, Zee’s Underground, The Underground Lounge, etc. Yes! they are back again and with New ownership. I cannot count the number of shows I have seen there. Heck I think I even played there, one time with Dad if memory serves me correct. A lot of memories have been made and they are working on making some more. They have supplied yet another location for live music in the HBG area. This month they have the Skyla Burrell Blues Band, Burden of Guilt, Broken Fayth and LeadFoot! A little something for everyone! So if you’re wanting to get out and about on the West Shore The Underground LIVE is back in action.
Last weekend I ventured down to JB Lovedrafts Mircopub on Second street for a night of kickass music. I was surprised and happy to see second street starting to gain some action as we walked down from Pine. There were people hanging outside pretending it was Spring, although a little chilly for me they didn’t seem to care. Second street is getting some of its vibe back and the hustle and bustle was back on like the early 2000’s haha. (I’m getting old). Once inside we checked out the different levels before the bands started and hit up some arcades upstairs. If you’ve never been in JB’s it’s like a punk palace for the masses. It’s like if your mom let you do anything you wanted to your room as a kid and then you just never left.
The first band was Pale Fang, lots of energy from these guys with the bass player leaping around the stage. They rocked the place and were a perfect start to the evening. Next up was the long awaited local debut of Sunny Ickesburg. Consisting of Ross “The Boss” Kennedy on Bass, Joel “The Man Mole” Horvath on drums, Tyler Epply “The Beast” also on drums? and Sunny “Shawn Pike” Ickesburg himself. So yes there are two drummers that is not a typo. I wasn’t sure what to expect but what we got was a dark psychedelic grunge/classic rock jam style mix all wrapped up into a whirlwind of sound. Sunny was slamming on his guitar twisting and banging so much his poor string gave out at one point. that didn’t stop him as he grabbed his next victim (a bright orange number) and went right back at it. The dueling drummers was something I wasn’t sure about but once they started grooving it was like heavy metal drum camp and each supplied the means to make the songs groove. The Boss kept them all in line with his steady bass beats. It was a musical explosion and the crowd was into it. Greatt job guys!
Blind Accuracy was up next and I always love seeing these guys play. They always bring the energy to the stage and this night was no different. If you want some classic punk in your future then go see the boys in Blind Accuracy. They got the already fired up crowd jumping and singing along. Putting the “professional” in to punk rock, with tight riffs, followed with some clean beats. It’s clear Austin and the guys have been putting in the time. My favorite tune of the night was “Wristband” written by the drummer Austin. He has had his share, of dealing with people trying to get in to a show without one. It’s a great song and anyone who has ever snuck into a show or has stopped people doing so will love it. Check out the ad on the next page and go see a show! They will be at Tellus 360 on April 15th for the Launch Music Conference. Just make sure you got your wristband!
That’s it for this month the keys are on fire and my fingers are smoking. My “boss” is waiting on this article for the last piece of her puzzle. So see you next month PA ! If you want to get in on the action give me a ring 717-636-4203 or email joshnoll@pamusician.net. Talk to you later!