By: Josh Noll
March madness is here! Robins have been flying around the office this week. I’m not sure if they are lost or what, but it’s still freezing out at the PA Musician office. Either way I’ll take it ‘cause even if they are a bit early, it gives me hope of a mild March. I think I might become a weather man. Seems I’m always talking about it.
On to music, I had been meaning to check out the new Lovedraft’s location over on the Carlisle Pike and finally had the chance last month when 717 Entertainment hosted a night of heavy hitters. The night featured Anthrophobia, Spinebelt, Nail Bite, and Suicide Puppets. Shows start early now which is good, I like the fact that you can see a show and still be home before Letterman. The downside was we missed the beginning of Anthrophobia but still managed to catch the last couple songs. These guys have been around for a long time and were ripping through their set in true heavy metal fashion. Next up was Spinebelt, it was clear that a good portion of the crowd at that point were there for Spinebelt as the stage area quickly filled up when they started playing. They kept the crowd on their feet and dropped the hammer with their classic style of heavy metal/thrash infused mayhem.
Next was Nail Bite. As they were taking the stage you could literally hear the crowd start talking… Are these kids the next band? What type of music is this going to be? Who is that little girl? All the ‘old heads’ there, for the two previous bands, were a little confused by the “High schoolers” taking the stage. I told more than one to pick up last months issue and do some research and to hold on to their dentures ‘cause Nail Bite was coming for them. When the band begun playing, and little Lonna Nelson started her heavy death metal growls and screams, it took a song or two for people to realize what was going on. By the second song everyone was back up at stage center and it was clear why they were booked on a night with the seasoned heavy hitters. These kids can rock! The drummer Austin Landis never missed a beat, dropped a stick, or even twitched his nose. He was like a drumming machine with every swing of the stick and drop of his foot, in time and on cue. I love watching a good drummer and this kid has it. Johnnie Bitting did a great job splitting the vocal duties with Lonna and producing some heavy guitar riffs and leads in the process. Caiden Nelson had the keyboards dialed and his head banging on point. Finished off with John Bitting (Johnnie’s Dad) on bass to keep everything in sync. At one point Johnnie called out all the old heads and demanded a senior citizen mosh pit. The crowd delivered! Although I don’t think it was as aggressive or jubilant as the mosh pits of my days but we all gave it our best shot and generally made a mess of things. Sorry Lovedraft’s lol. At the end of the show the best comment I heard was, “Does that little girl have a button on her mic to sound like that?” Put them on your list and go check Nail Bite out.
Last up for the night was The Suicide Puppets. Many still in bewilderment from the previous band, were wondering what the Puppets had in store. “Fresh” off the tour life and short one member (get well Tatuicide) these guys hit one note and my ears almost blew as the crowd went nuts. I’ve known these guys forever and to see them take stage and hear the crowd roar to life was a special feeling. I looked around the room and it was packed. The local Puppet crew was out in force and the energy in Lovedrafts was intense. It was quickly discerned that the previous bands and crowd reactions had not only got the crowd pumped but the band as well. The whole set was heavy off the hook, loud and proud are the Suicide Puppets and the crowd was eating it up. The tour with Soulfly has really fine tuned the band and I feel we are just beginning to see where the Puppets are heading in the future.
Overall it was a great night of music and my hats off to all the bands, promoters, and the venue for putting on an epic night of music. Go check out Lovedraft’s new Brewery and go support the hell out of them so we can have many more shows like this.
Spring is looking up for Doyle fans in the mid state as you can catch him at both Reverb on March 6th and a month away at HMAC on April 6th with Defiant for Support. Speaking of HMAC and April you can also take witness to Wednesday 13 on the 5th with local legends Suicide Puppets as direct support. So early April and HMAC is something you should keep in mind. Reverb has some other interesting shows coming up with the all mighty GWAR taking the stage on June 17th. Riff Raff on April 15th. Check out their ad on the back cover and see what Reverb is bringing into the area. There is sure to be a fav or two on the list.
Racehorse Tavern has its “every first Friday” all original music night once again on March 4th featuring Lucid Ruby, Wake Up John, Ethan Larsh Duo and Devix for a night of acoustic, chill Indie vibes. Racehorse has live music every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Including everything from solo acoustic acts, country, blues, to full heavy metal bands. Check out the schedule and make your plans now.
There’s tons of action in the midstate as local music is on a comeback! If you’re wondering how to get people to your shows, give us a call. Help support the only music specific, free to the public, resource for bands and venues with over 40 years of experience in the area doing so. Yes we need your precious ad dollars to continue doing what we love. As a team we can help take your career to the next level. Give me a call 717-636-4203 or email joshnoll@pamusician.net Take care music lovers!