By: Josh Noll
Well its back to the keys for a little monthly update. As the world around us seems to be blowing up with chaos, destruction , and civil unrest, I find myself wondering when will we ever get the triumphant return of local music? With current restrictions it is sure making it hard for people to get out and listen to some tunes. While yes it seems hard to get out and put your mask on to walk around the venue, or a little annoying to have to buy food at every spot you stop at. These are the things we have to do to keep the scene alive. Please when you go out to venues, don’t take your frustration out on the staff. They are more then likely more pissed about it then you, and have to deal with it everyday at work. So be nice and just wear your mask when they ask, buy some food and enjoy your show.
This month I got the chance to stop out at The Shermans Creek Inn. I have not been to the old Shermans Creek Inn for years, but I kept hearing about outside live music and decided it was time to go check it out. Zach “Kingfish” King was rounding up his gang of musical cohorts for a night of rockin’ country music. This sounded like a perfect night to stop in. When we got there the parking lot was pretty full and the seating was all but taken. We did weasel our way into some seats thanks to Daniel Braught. We sat down and although the staff was severely out numbered I was surprised at how quick we were attended to and had drinks in hand and food on the way. The staff did a great job all night and were always on their feet back and forth running drinks and food. The Shermans Creek Inn is under new ownership and you can tell that they really care about the quality of service that customers receive.
For those not familiar with Zach King he is a man of many hats and is always out promoting local music and bringing some great acts into the area that we wouldn’t see otherwise His musical love extends to his talents as a musician. It is always a treat and you never know who he will drag up on stage on any given night
We did miss the beginning but a couple stand outs from the night were Daniel Braught from the Band Seldom Said No. He did a bunch of great songs including some Zepplin and to pay his respects some Justin Townes Earle who just recently passed away. After Daniel, Zach took back the stage and performed some originals along with some John Prine, Neil Young, Springsteen, Turnpike Troubadours, Merle Haggard and more. Zach was also joined by Lindsay Hutchinson in a couple duets and they told a cute story about how they met at a local “shitty bar” on an open mic night. Zach who can’t refuse to sing a song for a crowd of rowdy bar goers, grabbed his guitar and bummed a cigarette and took the stage playing Tyler Childers “Feathered Indian”. In that moment Lindsay knew he was worthy of a second date. Zach gave his wingman the go ahead to leave and the rest has been history. It was a cute story and hearing them perform together sounds like they were made for each other.
One of my favorite songs of the night was led by Chubediah and included the whole gaggle of friends singing “Trailer Park Woman”. Its a great song and one you have to see these guys perform live to appreciate.
As the night was winding down, we got word of a small social distancing party not far from the Inn that had some live music. When we got there we were treated to a small performance from 4 of the members of Cabinet. I had heard of the band but have never gotten to see them live. Needless to say we were very happy we made the journey to go check them out. Upon arrival I was greeted by Sarah Staub who was wondering who let the press in haha. Sarah has been a family friend for years and her Dad was a huge part in getting the paper started. She informed me that the show they were to play with Keller Williams was canceled and some of the guys still wanted to play some music. Even though we were party crashing everyone there was super cool and made us feel welcomed. The band had a nice stage to perform on and there was also plenty of room for everyone to hang out. It was good to see people enjoying some live music in a little bit of a more relaxed setting. Even though they were missing members it didn’t show in the performance. Their slogan “high on Pennsylvania Bluegrass”, which is printed on their merch, is a great slogan and was exactly how I left the party. It was a great surprise ending to an awesome night of music. I can’t wait till I get a chance to catch the full band in the future.
So, what’s happening in live music for the month of September? On the 5th the long awaited Monsters of Tribute show is taking place at Artie’s Bar & Grill in Frenchtown, NJ. Although this is not a PA show it does have some great PA bands in it. Maiden America, Penntera, and Victim of Vengeance. The show is presented by Mad Hatter Entertainment and tickets are just $10.
The Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel has a full month of outdoor on the deck music scheduled for September. From Cody Wiley, Merely Players, Terry Strongheart, DMC Duo, Mycenea Worley and many more. Go check out the ad for times and dates. The Eagle has been adapting to all the changes and is not one to let a silly little pandemic slow them down. Please, Please go support them!!
Another guy really keeping busy is Ed Varner, he has a full schedule of shows from Millersburg to Milroy, Burnham and everywhere in between. Ed puts on an entertaining show so please go catch him live.
“Live on the Farm” at Meadow Brooke Gourds, being presented by Molly Pitcher Brewing Company features Copper Bets with special guest Aaron Getchell on September 12th. Tickets are limited and you have to purchase a 16×16 “Space” for up to 5 people so get your tickets quick on this one. It sounds like a neat event that is a little more then just music. You can find out all about it on Molly Pitcher Brewing Companies facebook page.
Another big event is The Children’s Miracle Network Music Festival Presented by The Space Station and Mad Hatter Entertainment. The event is being held at The Mechanicsburg Club Picnic Grounds on October 3rd. With performances by Stoned Alice, Wrath OF Typhon, Nine D, STEEL, Ebenezer Screw, Observe The 93rd, Road Case, Penntera and an acoustic set by Relics. Following is the full event information:
The Space Station & Mad Hatter Entertainment Presents:
The purpose of this event is to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network at Penn State Children’s Hospital. An organization that helps millions of families and their children. The monies raised from this benefit will go to the 105.7 the X for the yearly Pay-For-Play, which is a 28 hour radio marathon hosted by “The Peoples Morning Show.”
The event will be held on Saturday October 3rd 2020 at
The Mechanicsburg Club Picnic Grounds
333 Heinz Street, Mechanicsburg, PA17055.
RAIN OR SHINE! This is an ALL-AGE event!
$20 donation @ the gate. Children 18 & under are FREE!
This is a come at your own risk event! We will have plenty of hand sanitizers on the premises for your safety!
1:00 – RELICS (acoustic) / 2:00 – STONED ALICE
3:00 – WRATH OF TYPHON / 4:00 – NINE-D
5:00 – STEEL / 6:00 – EBENEZER SCREW
7:00 – OBSERVE THE 93rd / 8:00 – ROAD CASE
Sound production by Jeff Rittenhouse
So Far We Have 2 Sponsors On Board!
Any questions or information on how to help, please contact:
Event coordinator; Eric Dengler 717-701-0992 skapegot@yahoo.com /Event & sponsor manager; Missy Jo 717-515-8146 mnj6669@icloud.com
Also this month be on the lookout for some new albums hitting the scene. Suicide Puppets new album “Tales of Living & Dying on Slaughter Ridge Road” is now available for pre-order and Defiant is releasing there Deluxe edition of “The Anarch”-EP on Curtain Call Records with some extra bonus tracks so be sure to check that out as well.
One last note, if you happen to have any old coin collections laying around check out Jerry Duncan’s ad further back in the paper. He is willing to pay cash or even trade musical instruments and equipment. So if you have any old coins collecting dust it might be worth while to give Jerry a call.
That’s all for this month. We are hoping some restrictions are lifted and to be back to printing soon. Please stay healthy and safe and if you have any events or releases you would like us to help promote please contact me at Joshnoll@pamusician.net or call 717-636-4203.
The month of September is Rachel Rocks’ birthday month as she celebrates her birthday on September 2nd. Rachel came on staff in 2006. “The Mag” was badly in need of someone who actually liked to go out and listen to music and she started to take pictures to follow in Jim Price’s steps of covering bands with photos and words. Prior to Rachel the Harrisburg area was lacking in coverage. It’s hard to believe that she has been covering the scene for 14 years (longer than Whitey was out on the scene) She just didn’t like sitting around watching TV every night. [without Rachel helping me I would have gone under. She helped set up Quick Books, developed our website and helped establish facebook and twitter and keeps it updated, she has covered thousands of shows, edited photos, wrote her monthly article and many cover stories and has gone to extreme lengths to keep us going plus being a mom, wife and working full time. Thanks Rachel, love Mom, Robin]
When I took over the paper I thought I would be all alone as Rachel had planned on retiring. Lucky for all of us she decided to continue covering the live shows. Without her there is no way I could have taken over the paper and kept it running. The first couple of months were super stressful but with the help of ‘The Angel of design’ aka Robin Noll and my little sister Rachel Rocks I was able to carry on the torch. She is always up for an adventure and seeing her Out & About covering live music is always a heart warming experience. She is the first to try to get someone to start a metal induced head banging session. I remember more then once waking up wondering why my neck was so sore, AH Yes Rachel, and her damn head banging. She is also one who is eager to get everyone together for a sweet group shot to cherish the memories. She truly is a local music lover so if you see her this month be sure to tell her Happy Birthday! We Love you Rachel Rocks! Hope you have a great birthday month with lots of Kayaking and Beach time and live music.
Love Josh.