Editor’s Ramblings – July 2022

By : Josh Noll

Hello Central PA and beyond. Welcome to another month of music in the beautiful mountains of Pennsylvania. I will be double spacing this month after each period as it seems to really be just another thing that divides us. Some people swear by it some people swear at it. My ‘Typesetting Genius’ HATES THEM! She will even go through and remove them! If you’re wondering what fuels the debate? For us its all about space (or spaces). We need almost every millimeter of space we have each month to make all the info fit into each issue. Seems crazy but add all those double spaces up and we soon need another page. Wish we could add just one page but the way things work we have to jump up 8 pages, which really needs more then just a couple double spaces to fill. Somehow my ‘Typesetting Genius’ always squeezes it all in even if it means removing my double spacing. In fact if you’re reading this and there are no double spaces after the periods, then guess what? She did it again! Love you Mom.

Summer time means carnival season and the Local Liverpool Volunteer Fire Company Festival is just what I needed to kick off a mini-vacation in the wilderness of PA. They put on a nice 3 day festival including food, games, raffles, and most importantly LIVE MUSIC! One of our local fireman happens to be the famous music photographer Chris Rider. So naturally they had some help getting some good talent. Bands ranged from Dave Gates Music, Nate Myers and The Aces, Keepin It Simple, Faith Noel, and Six Bar Break. I was able to stop in Friday for Nate Myers and the Aces. While it wasn’t the carnivals of past, with scary 1950’s rides powered by diesel guzzling tractor engines. Spinning you around till you’re ready to puke, while almost cutting off your head. It was a nice setup, with games throughout the area and food around the outside, with plenty of options to suit most people. Of course we got some fries followed by the best walking taco I ever had. The best part being all the money went to the local Fire company. You never know how much these guys mean unless you’ve had them rush into your life and save the day for you or one of your loved ones. They are there when you need them so please support your local fire and rescue company. After we attained delicious food we made our way over to the stage and were treated to the magical musical story telling and harp playing of Nate Myers, accompanied by his valuable Aces. Nate alone can captivate a crowd but throw down some Aces with him and watch out. It was great hearing the sounds of the band and watching the kids run by with handfuls of plastic bags full of happy little gold fish dreaming of a nice big fish bowl. Damn I love carnivals and Harmonica’s, throw them together and watch out. Nate is one of the best in the area on the harp and watching his harp/beatbox style is always a treat. Like cotton candy on a hot summers eve. Hmm didn’t get any cotton candy, but I did win a couple knives during the set break. Sure I could have went to wally world and bought a much better knife. There was just something about this one that said it was mine. Be it a bike/car/airplane/knife/gun/girl/etc when I see if for the first time I know if it’s mine and this knife was screaming at me. I won’t say how much it cost but it’s mine now. Almost on cue, as I slipped my new Knife into my pocket the music resumed. Nate was accompanied by Pete Netznik on guitar ripping leads, Nathan Cluck on Bass banging those strings and John Tuzza on drums keeping things timed and tight. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Friday night in Liverpool PA. It’s always a good time with Nate Myer’s and the Aces. Thank you Liverpool Fire and Rescue for the good times and for always being there for the community.

Well Summer is in full swing don’t let it slip on by get out there and enjoy the great events we have in our area. If you’re looking to increase your exposure for either an event, business or band please call or text me at 717-636-4203 or email joshnoll@pamusician.net. Thanks as always to all our supporters, we can’t do it without you.