By: Josh Noll
Something a little different this month. I wanted to share the story of Building Bridges for Brianna. Below is the press release about the event and the reason behind it. Please get out and support if you can. Suicide has hurt us all in one way or another and is affecting teens more then ever. If you have a bike or a jeep dust if off and join in on the ride. All money will be given to the Brianna Dorgan Memorial Fund.
We will be holding our 2nd annual suicide awareness and prevention event Saturday, June 25, 2022, in Dallastown, PA. to let children and community know that they are not alone in their struggle with mental health.
In December 2020, a beautiful young lady, Brianna Dorgan (15), tragically took her life. Our fundraiser, Building Bridges for Brianna, was organized by her father Matt Dorgan, as a way of honoring Brianna and hopefully helping others along the way. As a part of Non-Profit Families Renewed our goal is to raise money to continue offering much needed resources for families in crisis.
Families Renewed exists to help children and families facing
homelessness, dealing with, and preventing suicide and self-harm, and preventing and dealing with the aftereffects of child abuse. With the current pandemic still ever present, the most vulnerable of society, our children, need our help more than ever.
Since that horrible day in December Matt has decided to help others and build the bridge between people that need help and the people that can give help. He has spoken at many organizations most recently at York County Regional Police CIT training giving Brianna’s story and partnered with other organizations to get awareness out to the community. He knows there must be a way to help someone that is struggling with mental illness.
We will be holding a event at Lions Park, Dallastown, PA, on June 25, 2021 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. This event will include food trucks, live music, raffles, motorcycle and jeep memorial ride, kid activities, law enforcement demos, vendors, and mental health awareness vendors. All money raised will be given to the Brianna Dorgan Memorial Fund. This fund will be used to help others dealing with the same issues Brianna was dealing with
for years as well as spreading awareness in the community about mental health.
Matt Dugan can be reached by phone 717-858-3242, or by email:matt@buildingbridgesforbrianna.com