by Josh Noll
Welcome to another edition of the Pa Musician Magazine. Its hard to say but this is the September issue and that means summer is coming to a close. The Kids are back in school, the nights are getting cooler, and the days will soon become short cold reminders of what summer once was. While painful to think about all the cold and snowy weather will soon be here. But in the meantime we get one of my favorite seasons, FALL! Mainly trail season and it’s sad to say but with starting the paper I have not been on my BMX bike all summer, so this next month I will be making some time to hit the trails and hang with my homies in the woods. Yes at 42, I still ride little kids bicycles and play in the dirt, it keeps me young. So I encourage all the readers out there to stop thinking about it and start doing it. We only have a limited amount of time left before the freeze so get out there and enjoy the great fall weather.
There are some Great Fall Festivals this month including THE NORTH APPALACHIAN FOLK FESTIVAL on Sept. 7-8th and ROOSTERPALOOZA on Sept. 29th. Both are sure to be a good time so check out the ads in this months issue and make your plans to get out there and enjoy all the hard work these musicians and music lovers have done for you.
Last month was a busy one for me but I did manage to make it out and catch some live music. I took a trip up to THE SELINSGROVE FARMERS MARKET to catch a mid morning set of PRAIRIE DOGMA. The guys are great musicians and by the 2nd song they had the crowds attention and some of the smaller ones were up learning about live music. It was great to see the interaction with the band. They did a great song about the Susquehanna River and it was nice to walk around and get some local made beef jerky and a shoefly pie my fav all while listening to the guys perform. After that I headed over to the DRUNKEN PUPPET SHOW!! This is a private party that Johnny Suicide and his lovely wife Teri host 10yrs strong at this point. They don’t mess around and put up a full stage with rain coverage to ensure the show doesn’t stop. They had an awesome line up EMILY ROWE, SUMNER PARK, RENAISSANCE KINGS, AWESOMELY STRONG, AGES TO BURN , AND THE SUICIDE
PUPPETS. All the bands did a great job with a special mention to BRAD FOREMAN personally, I’ve have always been a drummer at heart even though I always got stuck playing guitar. When Brad started banging the skins he got everyone’s attention. He puts it all out there and it showed watching him perform with AGES TO BURN. If you get a chance, check out all these bands on facebook and out in the wild.
In other PA Musician news you will notice a new column has been added as we welcome Chris and Michele rider to our team of staffers. Chris takes the photos and Michele is doing the writing. I have known Chris most my life as I went to school with him and his brother Ben. We were talking at a couple shows and then after meeting Michele and seeing her enthusiasm towards the music and meeting the musicians it just seemed like a good fit. If you know me I am sort of a fly by the seat of my pants guy and when something feels right I don’t second guess I just say yes lets do that. Its how I ended up taking over the paper I never have a plan in life I just do what life wants me to do. Just so everyone is clear they are volunteers, as are all of our writers and
contributors so they will be taking time out of the busy schedule of life to get out there and cover some shows and take some great pics for us all to see. The plan is to add more coverage in the Williamsport, Lewisburg, Sunbury, and surrounding areas. You may never know where they will end up as the Riders are out hitting the road to see local live music. So please go read the new article on page 12 of this issue. Also you can find great shots of local bands over at CHRIS RIDER PHOTOGRAPHY on facebook look him up and follow along.
This month we have some more great shows coming to the area PARK INN is having GAS STATION DISCO on the 8th, and on the 28th they have CHRIS WOODWARD AND THE SHINDIGGIN’ check the schedule to see who else they have lined up. THE FREDERICKSBURG EAGLE HOTEL is having GRACES DOWNFALL on the 28th. and if you have never been to the EAGLE HOTEL its a great place to sit down have a burger and a couple beers and see a great acoustic act from 6-9 . Its nice to not have to stay out all night to see a band sometimes. THE UNION HOUSE over in Richland is another spot to hit up they have an IRISH SESSION on Sept. 15th from 5-8 and then after that you can catch STREAMLINE from 10-1 check them out and see what its all about. CLUB XL is taking it old school this month with THE METRON REUNION on the14th and a HYBRID ICE show on the 15th. There has been some talk of WHITEY THE MIGHTY making it down to see his old buds at the METRON REUNION we will just have to see how he feels . Later in the month they will have local favorites EMILY’S TOYBOX. CLUB XL has a full month of shows check out the schedule on the back page. BOOBY TRAP will be at the DOUBLE K on the 8th and they have STEEL on the 22nd. DOUBLE K has live music every Saturday! If you are in the York area hit up RACEHORSE TAVERN lots of great shows including HALLOW CREEK on the 7th. They will also be hosting a ROOSTERPALOOZA after party featuring ROAD CASE on the 29th. I would also like to give a shout out to BARK AT THE MOON early in oct on the 6th they will be hosting THEATRE OF MADNESS!! featuring BARK AT THE MOON AND CLASSIC’S LIVE! I talked to Don Hosler about the event and it really sounds awesome they have a great theatre in Pottsville and it will be an all age show with the CLASSIC’S performing ALICE COOPER songs and BARK AT THE MOON with an awesome OZZY tribute look it up on facebook for all the details. Take care Pennsylvania and enjoy your start to FALL.