I caught up with Mitch Gregory a couple weeks ago at Sturges Speakeasy in Harrisburg, a place he performs throughout the year, and found out what he has been up to. He told me that in addition to regularly updating his repertoire and booking shows, he has put the final touches on his recording of the only blues song he has written, “Not A Nickel”. Mitch has written and recorded other originals but says he considers them pop rock songs. He holds the belief that most all the blues songs have likely already been written throughout the many decades and revivals of Blues music. That being said, Not A Nickel, in the Delta Blues style, was one of those songs that just came through organically and he was compelled to record it. Although he plays slide guitar himself, he had long time bandmate and friend Steve Davis from Lancaster do the slide parts on Mitch’s resonator guitar at the final session. Steve Davis performs with Mitch Gregory on select dates and is also a graphic artist who provides much of Mitch’s optics. Mitch Gregory’s originals, including Not A Nickel, are posted on his website at mitchgregory.com for anyone to freely listen and enjoy.

Mitch Gregory relates that he has played in the Mid-state for twenty five years as a bass player and then more recently as a front man. Because the local music scene is ever changing, one has to roll with those changes and reinvent themselves from time to time if you want to stay busy. His most recent iteration has him devoting himself to solo performance. He has always loved blues music and the classic blues artists. Gravitating to blues music was a natural process because if you ask him why he sings the blues, he will tell you it is because he plays his guitar tuned like a banjo, and is articulate on the harmonica using a neck rack, The open tuning of his guitar facilitates slide playing. “What else should I do but blues. And the real truth is I am not so blue. I am as happy as a clam and I ain’t changing that for nobody”. There is probably one more song left to be written somewhere within that statement.
Mitch Gregory started and developed his blues act at Boomerang in New Cumberland playing every other Wednesday night post covid. It was an eighteen month residency type gig. The kind of thing he has done several times in the past at different venues. “I was always trying new things and new material during that time, and the material that didn’t work, I would just let it go, and develop the material that resonated. I guess I am still doing that, but it serves me well to keep things fresh. I learned and integrated slide guitar at that time. “I still play at Boomerang and enjoy entertaining the dinner crowds before the Comedy Zone shows. I don’t consider myself an expert on Blues music, but I try to incorporate entertaining facts about the classic blues artists and their songs, and some fun stories about them, and about me.”
Mitch Gregory is performing Texas Blues, New Orleans Blues, Chicago Blues, Delta Blues, and Country Blues. “…all things blue, except for me”.. He performs the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan, ZZ top, BB King, Louis Jordan, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Howlin’ Wolf, Albert King, Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker, Stray Cats, Rolling Stones and much more. Mitch Gregory is a multi-instrumentalist and plays guitar, slide guitar, the Wazinator, the foot tambourine, and is an accomplished harmonica player and vocalist.
Mitch Gregory performs throughout the Mid-state and his busy tour schedule is posted below and for future dates and more information go to his website at: www.mitchgregory.com and you can like and follow him on Facebook as well. Mitch Gregory welcomes anyone interested in having him perform to contact him through his website or call or text him at 717-512-3731. Email: mitchgregoryblues@gmail.com. He welcomes agency inquiries and he is now booking shows for 2024.
- Friday, 09/01 ~ Sign Of The Horse, Hanover, PA (York Street Location), 7-10pm
- Saturday, 09/02 ~ The Public House, Hanover PA, 7-10pm
- Monday, 09/04 ~ Private Event
- Friday, 09/08, ~ Allenberry Resort, Boiling Springs PA, 6-9pm
- Saturday, 09/09 ~ Private Event
- Saturday, 09/16 ~ Private Event
- Thursday, 09/21 ~ Allenberry Resort, Boiling Springs PA, 6-9pm
- Saturday, 09/23 ~ Moo Duck Brewery, Elizabethtown PA, 5:30-8:30pm
- Sunday, 09/24 ~ Bainbridge Inn, Bainbridge PA, 3-6pm
- Friday, 09/29 ~ Sign OF The Horse, Center Square Hanover PA, 7-10pm
- Saturday, 09/30 ~ Grandpa’s Love Shack, Shermans Dale PA, 6-8pm