By: Rachel Rocks
Happy New Year!! Hard to believe this is my first article for 2023 already. 2022 was a crazy year indeed. It’s still a little strange out in the great big world, but I’m glad to see venues up and running with packed crowds and even some sold out shows! It’s also awesome to see new venues opening, new bands beginning, etc.. One thing for sure is life continues to go on no matter what, and the shows must go on too!
This was a super busy month for me, and I was super sick for 2 weeks, so I really didn’t get out nearly as much as usual. But I did sneak out wherever and whenever it was possible. My first big show of the month was the special Xmas at XL Live Show. It was a benefit hosted by 105.7 the X to raise funds for the Salvation Army. When I got there Light the Lamp was just finishing their set. I never saw these guys, but I was instantly hooked with their energy and enthusiasm to get this party started! Who knew Jake Scholl could sing like that! What a surprise! They definitely got the stage warmed up, because as soon as FeltSideOut hit the stage, they were ready to rock, and you could tell it was going to be a crazy night. It had been a while since I saw these guys and I’m so glad I finally caught another show! Observe the 93rd took the stage next and they continued to bring the energy and excitement to the room. Eternal Frequency hit the stage with some Trans Siberian Orchestra music, and had Mr. and Mrs. Claus, and a few of their elves on stage helping to spread holiday cheer. They quickly brought the crowd to the front of the room, and really got the dance floor hopping! I unfortunately had to leave before Defiant took the stage, but I already know how awesome they are and I’m sure, without a doubt they crushed it and completed the show with the same energy and craziness that it started with! Overall, it was an amazing night of original music. It was truly awesome to see so many local original bands getting the opportunity to play on such a gorgeous stage at XL Live, and because it was all for such a great cause too, was just the cherry on top!
I had to leave before Defiant played because I wanted to get across the river to Lovedrafts for Number of the Sun’s CD Release Party. Number of the Sun released their album “God Lives in the Frequency”. It is a full length album comprised of 12 songs. They not only released their CD with their hard copy, but also on all streaming platforms. If you’re looking for new music to listen to, search for Number of the Sun. This album was their 2nd release. They played the album in its entirety. All of their songs are great, I’d have to say my favorite is “Illusory” mainly because the harmonies between Dave and Cody. It was a great show and awesome to see the love and support they had from their fans and family!
The following night Matt Jameson Acoustic was asked to play at a private birthday party by our friend Chad, for his wife Krissy. They party was a full night of music; it all started with Carli and Seth, who unfortunately I missed, but we did get there just in time for Matt’s set, and we were so glad we made it in time, so he was able to wear his super special Elf/Gingerbread Man costume for his set. It was pretty cool, Chad and Krissy actually gave each artist a special set list of songs for each of them to perform. Some of the songs were completely new for the musicians so it was a special treat for all of us, and it made them learn new songs too. Matt is up to 95 songs on his song list now. Every show I see he is singing something new! It’s awesome when people request songs and get him to learn something he would’ve never considered on his own. Colton Miller was up next. I never saw Colton before but he’s from coal country, and can be seen playing at the Fredericksburg Eagle Hotel, and other venues around the area. Colton handled all of the artists with high range, I couldn’t believe the notes he was hitting! He even pulled off “What’s Up” by the 4 Non Blondes. Derek Henry took the stage next, and surprised us all by even singing “Hallelujah.” It was awesome hearing Derek step out of his comfort zone. The last artist of the night, Chris Johnson, came all the way from Virginia Beach. I thought he looked familiar, and then he announced that he’s also the lead singer for Seven Ten Oil. I saw them years ago at Tubby’s playing with Small Town Titans. Chris plays anywhere and everywhere he can! He can cover a wide variety of music, and also plays originals as well. It was a great night of music! Chad and Krissy really know how to throw a party!
Matt Jameson was blessed with another month full of shows. I was able to see a few: One at the HRA on a Thursday, Flinchy’s on a Saturday, Fratelli’s on a Friday, but a new venue this month was the Falls Hotel in York Haven. Even though this was a smoking venue, the people didn’t let that stop them! This was a Tuesday night show, and the place was packed. They are known there for all of their amazing seafood specials. I don’t eat seafood, but I was equally as impressed with their burger! Great food at a great price, and they support music! Sounds pretty awesome to me! Matt has had a busy month booking shows like crazy for next year, and he now has his own website, www.mattjamesonacoustic.com where you can keep an eye on all of his upcoming shows. You can also follow him on bandsintown, Facebook, Instagram, he even has a TikTok page! Most importantly, you can also check out his full schedule in this issue! If you want to book Matt for your next show or private party, hit him up online or text or call, 717-497-9011.
I was also able to catch two Thursday night shows for Derek Henry. I’m telling you, weeknight shows are where it’s at for me! Derek was back at Sturges Speakeasy. That is a venue that has patrons that love music and it’s awesome! So many people were singing along so loudly that you could barely hear Derek! People were definitely tuned in and having a great time! The other Thursday show was Derek’s first time at the Doyle Hotel. He jammed out down in the bar area, we all some delicious food, and listened to his music on a super chilly Thursday night! The Doyle Hotel has a crazy month full of entertainment. You can check out their full schedule in this issue as well. I know a big show that a lot of people are talking about is the Martini Bros on January 21st. Bummed I’ll be out of town for this show, but I’m sure it’s gonna be crazy!
Another super cool show I went to this month was LeadFoot at Underground Live! For those that don’t know Underground Live is the old Gullifty’s Underground. It is under new ownership, and it’s only the “Underground” part that is open, not the upstairs restaurant. He’s starting off slow with just a couple shows to get things warmed up, but definitely plans to have the place at its full rockin’ potential soon! Keep an eye out for a big Grand Opening announcement hopefully early in 2023. It was like reliving old times to see LeadFoot rockin’ on that stage! LeadFoot definitely is what their name says, taking the 80’s rock full speed ahead with that Pedal to the Metal! Such a great show. Lots of dancing, head banging and an overall good time! I can’t wait to see more shows in the Underground Live very soon!
On a Wednesday I went to celebrate my good friend Linda’s birthday at Flinchy’s. They had the acoustic duo, These Guys, playing. These Guys consists of Dan Newell and Ryan Moody. I’m not used to seeing Dan hold a guitar, but he holds it well. These Guys had a great set lists of the 80s and 90s. The crowd was rowdy and ready to rock, so there was lots of singing along going on. They also had quite the combination of rock and country, and if I heard it correctly, These Guys even pulled off some Taylor Swift! Happy Birthday Linda! Glad she got me out on a Wednesday!
The last weekend of the year, Matt Jameson’s birthday extravaganza. After eating way too much food, we headed down to Hook & Flask Still Works for Dave Gates. His mic stand was so excited to see us that it took a dive bomb off the stage. Luckily no one was hurt, and everyone kept singing along like nothing ever happened! Dave has the crazy ability to pull any song up on his laptop and play it for the crowd. I don’t know how he can switch from song to song so effortlessly, especially when it’s one he hasn’t played in a long time, or possibly hasn’t played EVER! Pretty crazy stuff.
Saturday, New Year’s Eve.. I of course ended the year going to Matt Jameson’s show at Funk Brewing at Laser Alley’s in York. Matt has made huge strides this year, and I know he’s only just begun. Kris, Holly, and I had a blast listening to his show and rockin’ into the New Year! 2023! Hard to believe!!
That’s a wrap for 2022. Thank you to every musician, band, fan, person who has supported me, rocked out with me, or just said Hi! I absolutely love doing what I do. I am so blessed to be touched by so many of you every time I am Out and About! I am definitely a major extrovert! I truly love meeting new people, hearing music constantly, and I am truly always on the GO! I wish I could wrap up my year’s adventures in a cool wrap up schpeel.. but that’s definitely not my super power. If you want stats like that, talk to Jim Price. His organizational skills, and keeping everybody’s name, title, etc. blows my mind! That guy is truly a walking musical encyclopedia!
Before I go.. I have two super special birthdays in January, my most amazing superbly fantastic sister, Andrea Greene’s birthday is January 6th. She’s actually heading to my house right now for our first adventure of 2023! I am so truly lucky we love each other as much as we do now, because let me tell ya, we used to have lines in our bedroom made of duct tape to mark our “territory”. So if you have kids who fight, know that in the end, they will hopefully love each other as much as we do! Lastly, but definitely not least, my HUBBY, the super amazing, extra supportive man in my life, Kris Boob! There wouldn’t be a Rachel “Rocks” if it wasn’t for him.. constantly supporting me, encouraging me, and at times, waking me up from the couch to say, “Hey, aren’t you going out tonight..” HA! I love him so much.. His birthday is January 8th.
Oh, and since I have some extra room, I will also announce, that I recently left my amazing job at Bob Ruth Ford, which I still highly suggest to buy from or sell a car to.. So I can start working full time for BRP Entertainment! Don’t get overly excited, I am currently just an Admin. Assistant, helping get the details all ironed out. But I will also be covering shows on weekends as needed. I still will be Out and About, taking pics and writing this awesome article every month as time allows.
Thank you all once again for supporting the PA Musician Magazine, and for supporting me! We wouldn’t be without all of our amazing supporters like you! If you have a show to suggest, or somewhere you’d like to see me, don’t hesitate to reach out, rachelrocks@pamusician.net. And if you see me, please stop me and say Hi!! Get out there and Support Local Music!!! And I heard that we will be getting a new website soon, so make sure and keep an eye on that at www.pamusician.net.